During the school year, we have a new pet in our classroom. Its name is Manuela and it is a very big turtle, who loves to play and have fun with us.

Having it in the classroom, teaches us to develop a sense of responsibility and empathy for animals, in addition to establishing a bond of friendship and approach to nature.

We have learnt that our turtle lives in water, but there are also species of turtles that live on land. As well, we have discovered that Manuela is carnivorous, but she can also eat some fruits and vegetables, as well as, we could provide her in a complementary way, some aquatic insects, amphibian larvae, worms and earthworms, crustaceans and shellfish or small live fish.

Although as these animals get older, their diet changes so we feed her with fish. For us it is very important Science sessions because we need to learn how to take care of Manuela, her shell and aquarium.

Clean up! Clean up! It’s time to clean up!

Clean up! Clean up!It’s time to clean up!

Alumnos/as de 4 años.